Aniruddha Tekade

Distributed Systems and AI Engineer

Find the number of even digits in the given integer [CF]

10 Jun 2016 » python, codefights

Find the number of even digits in the given integer.


  • For n = 1010, the output should be numberOfEvenDigits(n) = 2.
  • For n = 123, the output should be numberOfEvenDigits(n) = 1.


  • [time limit] 4000ms (py)
  • [input] integer n (A positive integer).


  • 1 ≤ n ≤ 106.

  • [output] integer

My Solution:

def numberOfEvenDigits(n):
    return len(filter(lambda m: m.isdigit() and int(m) % 2 == 0, str(n)))

Rests Tests:

n: 1010
Output: 2

n: 123
Output: 1

n: 135
Output: 0